Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Scariest Movie Moments

10. Nosferatu

   The original vampire movie.  He's not handsome (Unless you're into that.  I don't judge.). He's not conflicted about his affliction.  Nosferatu wants just one thing.  Your blood.  Without color or even sound, Nosferatu is still able to creep out audiences today.  

9. A Clockwork Orange

   As a woman, any scene involving rape is terrifying.  This violent sexual assault juxtaposed against that song is enough to make you never want to hear "Singin' in the Rain" again.  BTW, that was ad-libbed by Malcolm McDowell.  Apparently Stanley Kubrick, the most famous control freak in movie history, just let him do that.    Thank the film gods, 'cause it's perfectly creepy.

8. Jaws

   "We're gonna need a bigger boat."  This is the first time we get a really good look at the shark (mostly because of all the mechanical problems the crew had with the animatronic title character).

7. Insidious

   This scene is relentless.  First it creeps you out, then jump scare! jump scare!  jump scare!  Not gonna lie, when I saw it in theaters my nerves were so frayed by the end of this one scene that I was about ready to cry.  The movie itself is lackluster, but the evil spirits were all completely awesome and horrible.

6. Cape Fear

   This movie ruined Meet the Parents.  Well, actually Meet the Parents ruined Meet the Parents.  Basically, Robert DeNiro's character has threatened to rape Juliette Lewis' character.  Obviously, she has no idea as she is seduced by what she thinks is her new drama teacher.  Rapist, drama teacher, either way, probably not a good idea to be seduced by him.

5. Alien

   I really don't think I should have to explain this one.  It is the most classic example of a jump scare of all time.  For those of you who were born and raised under a rock, the crew of a space vessel is eating a nice, quiet meal when an infant alien is born.  Straight out of a character's chest.  Way to ruin dinner.  Fun fact: none of the cast knew this was about to happen.  That's why all the actors look terrified, surprised, and disgusted.

4. Jurassic Park

   I recently rewatched Jurassic Park when it was re-released in 3D in theaters.  Twenty-two years old and I still have nightmares about the kitchen scene with the two dumb kids (Seriously, has anyone ever noticed how    aggravatingly stupid these children are?  They should have been eaten by a stegosaurus in the first twenty minutes.  Yes, I know stegosauruses were herbivores, these kids are that friggin' stupid.).

3. The Grudge

   Not going to lie.  I have seen The Grudge exactly once.  That was when it was first released in theaters almost ten years ago.  I have never been able to watch it again.  If you really want to freak me out, just make that rattley, my-neck-is-broken-but-I'll-still-eat-your-soul noise. Ugggggggghhhhhh.  Yuck.  I didn't even watch that video because I can't.  I just can't.  So my apologies if it turns out to be pr0n or something halfway through.

2. Freaks

   Probably my favorite horror movie of all time.  There will never be a remake, because you just can't do things like make a horror movie starring real circus freaks anymore.  Stupid political correctness.  If you were ever wondering where the iconic line, "One of us, one of us," comes from, this is it.  Those freaks are about to make a beautiful trapeze artist and her strongman boyfriend one of them.  Surprisingly, the freaks are sorta the good guys in this scenario.

1. Se7en

   This movie is gloriously disgusting.  Not only is the scene I'm referring to a jump scare, but it's also a creepy concept.  That guy was tied to that bed for not days, not weeks, not months, he has been lying there with only his thoughts and a whole bunch of air fresheners for years.  I can't imagine, and I really don't want to.

If you're looking for more awesome scary movie moments, go to to watch Bravo's Hundred Scariest Movie Moments.  You'll have to watch it online, because those selfish bastards don't show it on TV year round.  Just around Halloween.

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